Westdale Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity, Success

Telephone02 6760 7219



Our administration team is here to help you and the school office hours are from 8:30am to 3:30pm. The school office is unattended on School Development Days as all staff complete training at this time.

The school email account is westdale-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au is another method of communication and is checked regularly throughout the day.

Westdale Public School has a wonderful Facebook page where you can see all the activities that happen in the school.

Short messaging service (SMS) text messaging for student absences are sent out around 10:00am each morning. You can reply to these mesages to explain your child's absence on the day.

Office Matters, a one page information sheet is sent out each term through our Seesaw and Facebook platforms. This is a reminder of administration matters to parents.